Breakrooms and Binging


I remember sitting at my desk too bloated to move. A mix of nausea and sweatiness rolled through my body as I was trying desperately to get more work done. But instead of work, I was focusing on the immense discomfort in my stomach and the relentless scolding voice, running on a loop, through my brain.

I had just eaten a half dozen gourmet donuts by myself. Only a couple of hours after my full breakfast.

I actually had to leave work early because I felt so ill.

That’s what dieting had brought me to.

Binging on foods I “wasn’t supposed to eat” the minute my white-knuckled death grip loosened up from all the restrictions I leveled on myself the other times.

Diets and restriction were why I kept gaining and losing the same 30lbs over and over again, year after year.

Restrict. Overeat. Repeat.

The crazy thing is, I never once thought it was dieting that was the problem! I just assumed it was me. And my ability to follow a diet.

It wasn’t until I dropped the food rules and started listening to my body (and not a calorie calculator or an eating plan) that I finally stopped gaining and losing the same pounds over and over again.

Not only did my weight stop wildly fluctuating, my brain calmed. Way. The. Hell. Down.

I stopped spending time thinking about food all the time. Worrying about what to eat, when to eat, why someone else got to eat food I couldn’t, etc.

And since there were no food rules to follow, the guilt over my eating choices started to ease up. For the first time, my head felt quieter. I had some peace around my eating and my body.

It was the relief I didn’t even know that I needed.

And I want that for you too! If you want to get off the diet rollercoaster, I can help you. Yes, you can lose weight this way! But you can also gain some peace and self-confidence too.

To learn more, let’s chat.



You know what feels amazing?


What if weight loss was about adding in instead of taking out?!