Making Omelets


Have you ever stayed at one of those hotels where they have a big fancy breakfast served at the hotel….complete with omelet making station?!

I don’t know how old I was…truthfully the level of awe I felt could have come from my 8 yr old self as easily as my 28 yr old self…when I experienced my first omelet-making station.

He was a big tall man with a button-down coat, gloves, and one of those big puffy chef hats you only see on cartoon characters. I remember him putting in the eggs and then asking me for my toppings, which I’m pretty sure I picked everything available!

I was astounded that not only could he put ALL those toppings in, cook it perfectly, but he could also manage to flip the entire contents over without using a spatula! One-handed!!

Have you ever tried to do that at home?

I’ve watched intently as I’ve seen it done by many chefs since. Even Antoni (from Queer Eye can rock a one-handed egg flip) I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve tried, with fewer toppings, and I think I’ve only half-managed it once!

The point of this story is that to get good at something takes practice. And sometimes a lot of practice!

So many of my clients beat themselves up when they don’t have an immediate transformation just by knowledge alone!

Just because you finally realize that you overeat at night on the couch because you have this sneaky thought that it’s more fun to watch a movie with a snack doesn’t mean that you will automatically stop eating when you’re watching TV!

You have to put in the reps. And by that I mean, practice! You have to take a moment to notice the thoughts you’re having every time - or as often as you can remember - when you’re going to watch TV. And then you have to intentionally create a more useful thought.

It’s not the knowledge that creates change, it’s the practice!

So do yourself a favor, stop beating yourself up! It’s normal to finally realize why you’re doing something you don’t like, but still not change it right away. It often takes baby steps.

If you feel frustrated or stuck in an unhelpful habit, write me back and tell me about it. I’ll respond with some questions/solutions to get you moving!



Eating can be easy


Why I went to therapy