The peanut butter explosion

I have to say, I gave myself a little pat on the back a couple of weeks ago after I purposefully overate a giant gourmet donut. (The peanut butter explosion…pictured as the thumbnail image…YUM!)

Not because I actually enjoy overeating…I don’t, I hate feeling bloated and gross…but because I reminded myself I did it intentionally and I didn’t allow myself to fall into regret.

It wasn’t so many years ago that I wasted a criminal amount of headspace regretting my eating choices. I probably spent time every Monday morning beating myself up for years.

The only thing that really changed for me….besides giving up the diet mindset, obvs…was being intentional about my choices.

And when my crappy habit of second-guessing my choices would pop up, I had my own back. Instead of beating myself up and falling into regret, I reminded myself that I made an active choice to eat that food.

And that meant that I could make a different active choice (with different results) whenever I wanted.

Every choice we make comes with a result. It’s ridiculous to pretend to be a victim of those choices when, instead, we can own our choices and then take back power over our results.

Sometimes just telling ourselves the truth of the decision is what alters repeating the same choices over and over again. Especially when those choices are ones you want to change.

I know that has worked for me and many of my clients. Give it a try and tell me what you think!


When the potato chips need to leave the house


My not so great decision